Not every resident at Jewish Choice needs or wants a wheelchair. For some it’s a nice to have, to ease the way on a journey. For others it takes some of the strain or pain away and for others it is a necessity, they might find hard to accept.
What we do know is that it is important to get one that is comfortable, that is easy to assemble and disassemble, that cushions the impact on uneven walkways and even those that can take attachments that enable its occupant to sit back and relax in the knowledge that all his or her needs can be catered for at a whim.
They don’t come cheap of course and as the average age of residents at Jewish Choice increases as the extraordinary care we provide kicks-in, we need to know that when one is required it is available, serviced and ready to roll.
So, donations and legacies are vital to Jewish Choice in this regard and of course all the good work we do. To find out more about how you can make a difference to the difference we make to our residents’ lives, call us today on 020 8908 4151 to find out more or email [email protected] or you can donate directly from our website by clicking this link