Perhaps one of the best complements one can receive is that you might be considered to be a person who is as good on the inside as they are on the outside.
In other words, good thoughts are matched by good deeds.
Anyone who has visited Jewish Choice will know that we typify this personality. We are full of good intent inside, and outwardly consistently demonstrate unconditional care to our residents to ensure they feel as physically and emotionally secure at Choice House, as they did when they were in their family home.
And at Pesach thoughts do turn to family, even though this year we cannot have our usual 2nd night family seder here at Jewish Choice.
Nevertheless, we’re reminded that early in the seder we break the inside/middle matzah – using the smaller half to stimulate conversation about the move from from oppression to freedom – which is perhaps more meaningful this year as our families contend with social distancing from family members here at Jewish Choice, that we recognise is so hard for all relatives.
The larger half of the matzah is saved as the afikomen, without which we cannot finish the meal, but it is more than a children’s seek and find game. It is this piece of matzah that is said to signify that even better times are to come.
So, in this time of crisis, turning your thoughts into deeds will make a considerable difference to Jewish Choice. Where your donations will ensure there are indeed better times to come, when we can look forward to being in the same room again.
You can make large, small or ongoing donations here…
We wish you all good health and a chag Pesach sameach!