Over the years we’ve won a lot of friends from the relatives of those we’ve cared for and many have returned the favour with, as well as legacies and monetary donations, offers of help, volunteering in various capacities and some have even become Trustees of the Charity.
And it’s important to remind people now and again that we are a charity and not a commercial enterprise. We’re here to provide a level of care that is commensurate with the value we place on our elderly within the Jewish community and we have an extraordinary care team here to do so.
Yet extraordinary care requires an extraordinary support team too…
From IT to serving tea. From entertainment to organising activities and days out. From our Kitchen Team of chefs and ancillary staff who not only meet the daily challenge of providing healthy, nutritious and tasty Kosher food throughout a regular day, but also on our high holidays too, when they not only rise to the challenge, but truly embrace the Jewish ethos and feed our residents so well.
From the often unsung heroes of our Domestic Team, who keep our home as clean and fresh as we would want our own home to be and from our Maintenance Team who ensure everything works as it should.
So teamwork is very much the order of the day here at Jewish Choice and while, as you would expect, we have separate teams for separate skillsets, the way in which they co-ordinate and come together to provide the total care which your loved ones receive is unmatched.
We want to keep it that way and as we move to the next stage in our development, we have recently been seeking to bolster our teams with a volunteer force working in parallel. And it is starting to gather momentum from within our current body of residents’ families.
For example, Michael Kennard’s daughter Elaine has generously donated her time, with a number of hours per week to give something back to Jewish Choice, by manning our reception and switchboard.
In addition, we are seeking regular volunteer visitors to befriend our residents, to chat, to reminisce and perhaps some of you can provide quality entertainment too?
We are also looking for someone who can assist with the Search Engine Optimisation of our WordPress website and as we seek to build a fund-raising events team we are looking for a volunteer to take the lead on various initiatives.
With a view to filling such roles, we recently had a presence at the Work Avenue/JVN event to appeal to those who wish to volunteer in these or any other capacity at Jewish Choice. If you’d like to give something back and volunteer, do get in touch. Call us on 020 8908 4151 or email: [email protected]