Jewish Mindedness
Choice House is a kosher home under the auspices of the Sephardi Kashrut
Authority but residents are free to be as religiously observant or inactive as they
wish and are comfortable with. We observe Shabbat and celebrate all the major
Chagim, with the traditions of the festivals often being highlights of our annual
calendar. The Jewish spirit is always evident but we are non-judgemental and
never impose.
One lovely thing at Choice House is that you cannot be in the home more than
two weeks without running into and making connections with people you may
have known all your life.
Many of our visiting relatives have connections with each other which
stretch back further than their connections here. Again this adds greatly
to the sense of ‘home from home’. There are lots of times when Yiddish
words are dropped into conversation, many of which the staff use back
with the residents in conversation.